Daily Watercolor Sketchbook, Days 21 and 22

Ok, it is tough keeping up on the weekends. It just is.

But here are simple ink sketches for Saturday and Sunday, days 21 and 22, both fun fall plants. Daisies are blooming around right now!

Please, don’t eat the daises. (remember that show?! - best title ever!)

Mushroom foraging… ok, so these are really not growing around here but they sure are charming. I love mushrooms!

Daily Watercolor Sketchbook, Day 20

The Great Gatsby! A musical!

A giant WOW! We saw it at the Papermill Playhouse last night. It was unbelievably amazing. The costumes, the music, the acting, Jeremy Jordan, the sets, the Costumes!!!

So as we slog through another rainy day I am reliving the energy and fun of the show and doodling some flappers kicking up their heels in a joyous Charleston!

Daily Watercolor Sketchbook, Days 15, 16, 17

Green tea
Specifically Matcha Green Tea
Every day - I drink 1-2 cups of organic matcha every day
For the antioxidants
The flavonoids
The anti-cancer benefits
The anti-inflammatory benefits

It was a bit of a crazy weekend with the Art Walk on Sunday. Not a lot of sketching time for sure. Live outdoor shows are very all consuming - and exhausting! But, they are fun and I saw so many friends, neighbors and clients. And the weather was beautiful after a total wash-out on Saturday.

I have been working on this page of illustrations for a few days, doing a drawing a day - and then I added watercolor today. And more green tea leaves, so showing it all as one.

It is fun to keep a sketchbook journal and draw one thing each day. I had started that practice back in January and did it for the first half of the year. Somehow I fell out of the practice, I am not sure why… but I loved it and I think it’s time for a return.

Sketching every day! Matcha tea every day! btw Jade Leaf organic matcha is my personal favorite and dissolves better than a lot of other matcha powders I have tried. Though they are all a bit resistant.

What are you drinking? and what are you sketching?