Daily Watercolor Sketchbook, Days 13 and 14

I am born and raised in Brooklyn (well until 13 - but those are some formative years!), so it has always had my heart. And I have always been in love with the bridge.

This sketch of the Brooklyn Bridge from Dumbo, is the first step in a series experiment.

Maybe I am cheating here a bit, as I drew it yesterday and added watercolor today - so counting it as one each! I get a pass as I am buried in prep for the Maplewood Art Walk and Music Festival that is happening tomorrow. It’s my first show in 6 months and I always forget how consuming the prep is.

Daily Watercolor Sketchbook, Day 5

This morning got off to a rough start, but I was determined not to let it ruin my day.

It’s just not worth it.

So, I took a long, very brisk walk in the sun to clear my head, and wondered what I make in my sketchbook today. Being cranky and irritated do not encourage creative inspiration or flow – very much the opposite.

 I decided I needed a very low stakes, low stress, option. Something easy to shift my mood.

 Loose watercolor pumpkins scattered on the page was my answer… which is mostly about mixing paint (and always soothes my savage beast).

Painting my little pumpkins Just. For. Fun.

Lovely, bright oranges, reds, yellows, golds, and umbers (raw and burnt).

It felt really good.

Really calming

My breathing slowed as I appreciated the moment, and the process.  And I was loosening up.

Then I added a bit of color splashes.

Now to ink or not ink? I love my ink lines, so I went right in with ink instead of agonizing over the decision.

I highly recommend this process of loosely painting circles and ovals… you can make pumpkins, tomatoes, onions, grapes, cherries, to name a few.

I’ll be doing more like this for the soothing, centering, relaxing feeling it brings. I highly recommend it.

Do you think you will try it? If so let me know….