Finding your Creative Connection, #9 Hit the Track!

This week’s creativity trigger is all about moving… 

#9 Lace up and hit the track

I can hear the groans from here! LOL!

Yeah, I know, a track, really? But, I was feeling really stuck and on my way home the other day I went by a local town park track and decided it was this week’s solution to stuck.

It was hot, and no shade on a track – but there is all that glorious vitamin D!! Besides, 20 – 30 minutes wouldn’t kill me. I parked, I stretched a bit (I always have to stretch the backs of my legs and hip joints, which feels really good btw) and I took the outside lane leaving the inner lanes for the runners. Though it was very sparsely populated.

No music, no podcast, nothing but me, the track and my own thoughts. Just the sound of birds, wind in the trees and occasional cars driving by.

Walking. In a loop. Just walking. Under a big open sky. A mostly blue sky with some very fluffy clouds.

Lap one– it’s hot, it’s sunny. Glad I have sunglasses and a hat. How far do I need to go?

Lap two – it’s really hot! Why am I here?

Lap three – I just saw a blue jay! And a monarch butterfly! Those clouds are beautiful and fluffy… how would I paint them in watercolor?

Lap four – along with the sweat, ideas start flowing! Really flowing! I am seeing paintings in my imagination. An idea for a series is crystallizing…

Lap five – I am in the flow, I have picked up speed, and the inspiration keeps coming. Absolutely amazing

I run to the car and jot down my ideas, my thoughts, the painting inspirations, I don’t want to lose what just came through. It was pure gold! Next time I will bring a pen and a tiny notebook with me on the track.

This activity was a wow for me so I definitely recommend it if you can. What about this activity triggers the creativity? Maybe the open sky (see post #6) maybe the repetitive motion of walking the loop as there are no choices to distract me, maybe the movement and continuing regardless of the heat – pushing my body a bit clears the thinking that gets in the way of the flow.

Whatever it is – it worked! For me, it will become a weekly activity and definitely the place to go whenever I feel stuck.

Do you think you will try it? If so please let me know if it helps you or what you experience! 

See you next Wednesday.

Stay creative my friends.



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This blog series is an exploration into staying creatively connected. How to find it, nurture it, and keep it flowing. And, possibly to find it again if it’s been disconnected for years, or decades. Cultivating creativity is an ongoing process.

Finding your Creative Connection, #8 Thrift Store

This week’s creativity trigger is an artist date… 

#8 Thrift Store Visit

Thrift stores can be a fun treasure hunt. I find it especially enjoyable when I set a specific intention or goal, like a certain color or theme. I was looking for something for the 4th of July, and as an added challenge I was hoping to find a cute wedge shoe with an open toe in very good condition. Yes I know, very specific. But, it makes my goal very clear cut and my brain zeroes in on just that. It makes it a game, and it is either there or it’s not.

Anything you can turn into a game is a good thing!

Thrift store racks can really be a mixed bag, and sometimes half of what you find should have gone in the dump instead of being resold.  I love going in with a color theme, and my eyes just hone in on those and gloss over everything else. Each item I found that is in the category is a little jolt as I narrowed in on what outfit I wanted to create. I was less than thrilled with what I was finding on the clothing racks but hit the jackpot in accessories! There was a red, white and blue satiny scarf – the perfect accent to any ensemble I decided to wear!!  (purse with scarf tied)

 I felt I had already won the game so I went to check out the shoes. This store has a lot of misfiled sizes so the shoes are really a challenge. Every time I think I found something it was an 8 or a 6! Just as I was about to give up and take my scarf to the register, I found exactly what I was looking for, and hardly worn.  

from my sketchbook

 It was a win win win artist date… fun, satisfying and I did my part to repurpose and reuse clothing and keep it out of landfills.

I recommend the thrift store artist date, and going in with a very specific goal in mind is a fun angle, and you only need about 30 minutes.

 Please let me know if it helps you!  See you next Wednesday.

 Stay creative my friends.


You can sign up for my email newsletter here to stay connected.

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This blog series is an exploration into staying creatively connected. How to find it, nurture it, and keep it flowing. And, possibly to find it again if it’s been disconnected for years, or decades.

Finding your Creative Connection, #7 Visit a Bookstore

Visit a bookstore

bookshelf from my daily sketchbook

We spent a week at the beach with more rainy days than sunny ones. I can measure the weather by how many books I read! I finished the one I brought by Tuesday morning and I knew I wouldn’t get through a rainy week without more. So we found the LBI Bookswap in Beach Haven, and it was a real treat! The first floor was all new books and the upper levels were used, tons of paperback fiction in great condition at excellent prices. Was so much fun exploring. And the store was bustling with shoppers and great energy.

By visiting it we found the Schooners Wharf shopping village of cute small stores that you could dodge in and out of without getting too wet. Over 20 shops that went on and on in an inviting maze.

Highlights: being inspired and reminded that I love to illustrate cute little shop storefronts. So more storefronts, and more book paintings to follow. Two book recommendations by the owner when I just couldn’t decide - and already finished them. I had a lovely conversation with the owner too.

I think it’s all about connections, and changing your scenery to keep things fresh and interesting.

Three Lives Bookstore, NYC

 This week I hope you also get to visit a bookstore and find some inspiration too.

Please let me know if it helps you!  See you next Tuesday.

Stay creative my friends.


You can sign up for my email newsletter here to stay connected.

Click here to follow me on Instagram


This blog series is an exploration into staying creatively connected. How to find it, nurture it, and keep it flowing. And, possibly to find it again if it’s been disconnected for years, or decades.

In each weekly post I will share one idea/artist date/activity that I have tried and invite you to give it a try for your own creativity connection. If it’s flowing, there is so much more peace and enjoyment in life

Finding Your Creative Connection, #6 Go To Water

This week’s creativity trigger is an artist date… 


#6 Go to Water

 This week’s artist date is to go to water… any water!

I have the good fortune of being at the NJ shore, but I encourage you to visit any body of water that you can find, or that is accessible to you… the ocean, the bay, a lake, a river, a stream, a brook, a reservoir.

We are in Ship Bottom on Long Beach Island, and though we are with family and friends I am still carving out some solo reflection time. Not really beach weather today, but it is not stopping me from being outside in the sea air as much as possible.

I am a water seeker by nature, so am always gravitating towards it. So soothing for my soul and creates a deep satisfying feeling. It is guaranteed to unlock any creative sluggishness.  I have even had experiences of driving over the George Washington Bridge and feeling the creative flow open by the time we are mid bridge. Maybe it is the open sky above the water, or the change in air over water – but for anyone who has ever crossed that bridge – you know it most often just triggers stress and annoyance. The traffic on that bridge is in a class of its own. And yet, it can have that creative effect on me. Go figure.

 This week I hope you also get to visit a body of water – regardless of the weather. Walk, sit, or a little of both. I hope it opens the flow for you too.

Please let me know if it helps you!  See you next Tuesday.

Stay creative my friends.


You can sign up for my email newsletter here to stay connected.

Click here to follow me on Instagram


This blog series is an exploration into staying creatively connected. How to find it, nurture it, and keep it flowing. And, possibly to find it again if it’s been disconnected for years, or decades.

In each weekly post I will share one idea/artist date/activity that I have tried and invite you to give it a try for your own creativity connection. If it’s flowing, there is so much more peace and enjoyment in life

Finding your Creative Connection, #5 Visit a new to you park


Weekly Inspiration to help you find and stay connected to your creativity.

This week’s creativity trigger is an artist date… 

#5 Visit a new to you park

 I had to make an unexpected trip to and from school on Friday which is a 45-minute round trip. I decided I needed to build something fun into the trip, so on the way home I stopped at Echo Lake Park, which is lovely and peaceful, and has a lake winding through the middle of it.

It was very quiet there on Friday morning, the first day of clear, non-scary air! The smokiness and terrible air quality from the Canadian wildfires of the days before had almost cleared out and the index was in the 40s… after having #’s above the 400 mark!! Not sure I will ever take my walks for granted again.

 I haven’t been there in ages and most times I go to speed walk along the trail for exercise but this time I was intentionally slowing down. But slowing down and then what? I wasn’t sure. I didn’t have a sketchbook or my nature journal (either would have been great) and I was kind of at loose ends.

Not sure what to do except to be there.

To notice, to feel, to just be.

I strolled, I sat, I took some photos – and I took it all in. Breathing slow and deep I was grateful for blue skies, fresh air, the peacefulness, and the multitudes of greens… wow when you really look at trees, bushes, grass and try to differentiate the shades of green, it’s amazing the range that is there. It could be fun to bring a small paint set and see how many different shades, tones, depths of green you can put down on paper. It is such a cool brain exercise. If you like to write, create a list of all the greens/colors you see and stretch yourself to be creative in descriptions or the names. I keep thinking about the bright, lime green color on the surface of the water, that is a bit mucky with our lack of recent rain – but the color is absolutely intriguing.

 I also love the path along the water as it winds back and forth – and this photo just makes you wonder… what is around the bend? What will I find if I go explore? I can use this photo reference in my illustrations for Ava Applesawse 2 that I am working on.

 I encourage you to go for a stroll and a sit in a park that is not where you would normally go… and really look and notice. Be still and quiet - and absorb your surroundings. You can bring your nature journal, or sketchbook, or try the color matching if you like. See what surfaces, and what inspires you.

Please let me know if it helps you!  See you next Tuesday.

 Stay creative my friends.


You can sign up for my email newsletter here to stay connected.

Click here to follow me on Instagram

 This blog series is an exploration into staying creatively connected. How to find it, nurture it, and keep it flowing. And, possibly to find it again if it’s been disconnected for years, or decades.

In each weekly post I will share one idea/artist date/activity that I have tried and invite you to give it a try for your own creativity connection. If it’s flowing, there is so much more peace and enjoyment in life.

Finding Your Creative Connection, Farmer's Market Artist Date


Weekly Inspiration to help you find and stay connected to your creativity.

This week’s creativity trigger is an artist date… 

#4 Visiting a Farmer’s Market

The farmer’s market in Union started last week and I used the opportunity to take myself on an artist date. I learned about artist dates when reading The Artist Way by Julia Cameron. If you are not familiar with the concept it is a once a week, solo excursion to explore something that interests you, you find fun and that will spark your imagination.  It doesn’t have to be an all-day thing, an hour, or even 30 minutes can do the trick.


It was unexpectedly very hot here on Thursday, and I had long list of to-dos, you know how that goes when it’s the have-to’s vs. the want-to’s … and I almost didn’t go. It’s easier sometimes not to, but I had the inspiration on my morning walk to go as an artist date – not just a shopping chore. Again, getting out of your routine, talking to new people, seeing and noticing new things can be very reviving.


Being the first one of the season, it was very light on farm vendors and I was a bit disappointed. My initial instinct was to zip through and return home to the air conditioning, but I am glad I didn’t. I went to the Wagner Farm tent first as they had a tiered display of herbs in pots and I can never resist potted herbs. I ended up having a lovely conversation with the couple working the booth and bought some fresh ground beef, in addition to herbs. And I will be back next week for their fresh eggs!

 Alstede was the other farm with a booth, and the radishes I bought were delicious, and so cute. I love the visual of all the vegetables lined up in baskets and piles. I could sketch and paint those every day. And the roasted zucchini we had with dinner was so good! Topped it off with a lovely conversation there too. 

It was so nice to take my time, really look at the produce, the colors, all the shades of green, and the abundance. It was more about the experience - taking time to really look, and interact as opposed to going there to shop. What I first thought was a bit disappointing ended up being very inspiring and gave me a lot of material to work with.

It’s difficult to communicate the essence of why/how it can create a spark… maybe it is slowing down and really looking. Not rushing through to get to the next thing on the list.

Maybe it was finding and seeing all the abundance within the limited choices.

Maybe it was interacting with new people and hearing about what they create… they created these offerings of produce!

I do know that when I got home and was trying to describe to my husband the initial reaction of ‘not much there’ to my actual experience – he wanted to go. And he definitely wants to visit next week.

 I think the only way to get across the advantages of the artist dates and triggers that I experience is to do a deeper dive into how it makes me feel, and what it brings forth. Then maybe I can inspire you to try them. I truly believe we all owe this to ourselves. By taking a little time each week to cultivate and nurture our creativity, and fill our buckets, we are serving ourselves and all those around us.

I encourage you to visit your local farmers market, not just for the fresh local produce, but to really look, interact and experience it. See what surfaces, and what sparks you.

Please let me know if you try it and how it feels!  See you next Tuesday.

Cotton Candy Chickens

 Stay creative my friends.



You can sign up for my email newsletter here to stay connected.

Click here to follow me on Instagram


This blog series is an exploration into staying creatively connected. How to find it, nurture it, and keep it flowing. And, possibly to find it again if it’s been disconnected for years, or decades.


In each weekly post I will share one idea/artist date/activity that I have tried and invite you to give it a try for your own creativity connection. If it’s flowing, there is so much more peace and enjoyment in life.

Click here to sign up for my newsletter

Finding your Creative Connection, Listening to Live Music


Weekly Inspiration to help you connect to your creativity.

This week’s creativity trigger is a good and fun spark for anyone… 

#3 Listening to Live Music

Memorial Day weekend, the unofficial start of summer, has come and gone… and the weather in NJ has been amazing. Summer for us means outdoor live music! We keep a calendar as there are so many great programs in our area and we try to catch as many as possible.


Over the weekend a favorite one, Downtown after Sundown in South Orange, kicked off with Viva Flamenco… acoustic guitars, singing and flamenco dancing! Those haunting spell-binding guitars reach down into my soul. Sitting out in the fresh air and sinking into music like that sets something free for me. And my imagination is ignited. And look at all that color, it was also a visual feast.


Normally we bring chairs and beverages (sometimes adult beverages) and I will have a sketchbook with me. But we were heading to dinner from the performance so that night we sat on the wall with no accoutrements, and still it was lovely and wonderful.

The next day I put on some Spanish acoustic guitar and worked on some sketches. I was able to relive the feeling and tap into that creative energy.

Viva Flamenco

I loved watching the dancers hands, they were so expressive and definitive in their movements and positioning. It was fascinating to watch. I exaggerated the size of her hands in the sketch to draw the eye. And I just loved that she had on a purple dress, red shoes and a yellow flower. So colorful and So. Much. Fun.


I think getting out of your routine and experiencing the talent and proficiency of musicians is an excellent spark for creativity of any kind. You can bring a notebook or a sketchbook with you in case it triggers ideas and so there is no risk of forgetting any gems. I hope you will look around and see if your town, or surrounding area, have any free outdoor music programs this summer. It’s all about the flow and tapping into it whenever you can.


I encourage you to get outside, listen to live music, and see what surfaces. If you are inspired try some sketching or doodling while listening. Whether you think you draw well or not, the process opens the flow to the right brain.

Please let me know if it helps you!  See you next Tuesday.


Stay creative my friends.



Click here to sign up for my email newsletter to stay connected.

Follow me on Instagram

This blog series is an exploration into staying creatively connected. How to find it, nurture it, and keep it flowing. And, possibly to find it again if it’s been disconnected for years, or decades.

In each weekly post I will share one idea/artist date/activity that I have tried and invite you to give it a try for your own creativity connection. If it’s flowing, there is so much more peace and enjoyment in life.

Finding your Creative Connection, Create a Color Palette


Weekly Inspiration to help you find and stay connected to your creativity.

#2 Paint a Color Palette

This blog series is an exploration into staying creatively connected. How to find it, nurture it, and keep it flowing. And, possibly to find it again if it’s been disconnected for years, or decades.

In each weekly post I will share one idea/artist date/activity that I have tried and invite you to give it a try for your own creativity connection. If it’s flowing, there is so much more peace and enjoyment in life. 

This week’s creativity trigger is probably more suited for visual artists – but can be fun for anyone to try.  I promise.

#2 Paint a Color Palette

I am very driven and inspired by color, always have been. And I learned during the intense stress of the Covid shutdown, that mixing paint is very soothing to my soul and gets my imagination going. The challenge of what colors to choose, how much to combine, and which are the dominant, calms me down within minutes.

This is a fun, low stress activity because no one is judging, and you are not trying to create a likeness or a piece of art.  You don’t have to be ‘artistic’ to have fun with this.

So, here we go… I use watercolor paint but see below for other options.


First, find or take a photo with colors that appeal to you. Can be anything and you probably have a photo on your phone that will work. Just don’t go down the rabbit hole of looking at All your photos! It is just too easy to get distracted.

I took this photo of peonies at the Grounds for Sculpture on Sunday.

Take some time with your reference photo and decide which are the 5 – 6 main colors that capture the feeling of the image. Which colors jump out at you, what are you noticing first? Is there a dark color that is contrasting with the brights or lights? You can go to 7 but less is probably more and is certainly easier.

My painted palette based on the vase of peonies. I love to add some color blocks of the darks for contrast and drama.

Now mix your paints to create those 5/6 dominant colors, and paint one square of each color. Or a rectangle, a circle, an oval, a freeform shape… whatever feels right to you.  see my images here as examples. You can have a scrap paper on hand to test your colors before creating your palette.

Different shapes, in case you are not feeling the squares.


If you don’t have watercolor paints you can try acrylics, pastels, crayons, colored pencils, markers (though markers will be tough to mix but if you have a big set you might have the 5 or 6 colors you need).

 Some colors will be more challenging than others to match but the mixing and matching can bring you into the zone. I find this exercise tremendously useful when I am stuck or stressed. I also use it as a warm up before working on an illustration or painting as it puts me in right brain mode.


I have spoken to so many friends who want more or regular connection to their creativity. Whether is drawing, painting, songwriting, baking, needlework – whatever lights you up. We can all use a little guidance, and reminders! It’s so easy to go a week or two, or a decade or two (right?!) letting all that fun creativity slip away. Remember, nurturing and tapping into your own creativity is excellent self-care.


I encourage you to Paint a Color Palette and see what surfaces – and please let me know if it helps you!  See you next Tuesday.


Stay creative my friends.



You can sign up for my email newsletter here to stay connected.

Click here to follow me on instagram

Finding your Creative Connection: Journal in Nature


Weekly Inspiration to help you find and stay connected to your creativity.


How do you stay creative through trauma, disease, fear, and… life! Parenting, jobs, chores, and the day-to-day cycle of living.

How to find it, how to keep it, nurture it, cultivate it, and not strangle it along the way. To keep it flowing. How to find it again if it’s been disconnected for years, or decades.

How to stay creative and connected to your core soul, the very essence of your being,

That’s what I am looking to explore here. Hoping to uncover and share ideas, insights, concepts that will help open the flow for you and for me. Learning ways to maintain that connection and stay rooted to our essential selves.

If your creativity is flowing you can find more peace, more enjoyment and so much less stress in life.

This subject has kept me up at night. I feel like the Monet quote about color, except I would substitute the word creativity for Color and it becomes…

“Creativity is my daylong obsession, joy and torment.”

Thank you, Monet!

I have experienced over and over and over the break in my creative thread each time I went in for cancer treatments, every 3 weeks for 2 straight years. No matter the flow I was in, the groove I had found, the work I was making, the inspirations that were coming – after treatment it was as if I was on one side of a concrete wall and my creativity, inspiration, and art were on the other side.

They were completely out of my reach; I started describing it as trying to find the creative thread because it felt elusive and delicate – barely, barely there. I could ‘sense’ the presence, but it was pretty much invisible.

Ever walk into a spider or cobweb and you can feel it on your face or neck but can’t grab it or get it off? – yeah, like that!

I started leaving notes, and sketches for myself the few days leading up to treatment in hopes it would bridge the gap back to my creative process. I felt a bit like the guy in the movie Memento… And occasionally the notes or sketches did help.  I also started reading books about creativity, and how to cultivate and nurture it. I have been reading books on creativity quite obsessively for the last 8 -9 months and will be sharing tips from my favorites along the way.

Hoping that by sharing this exploration, and the processes I try, will help me - and you, to nurture and cultivate creativity.  We need to find our way back to our creativity that has been out of reach, which is ultimately our essential self.

In each weekly post I will share one idea/artist date/activity that I have used and invite you to give it a try for your own connection. My first suggestion is Journaling in Nature which is proving to be tremendously useful for me!

A few months ago I participated in a journaling workshop and have incorporated this idea of writing in nature into my weekly, sometimes daily, routine….


Take a journal outside – in any weather – and write one page. No judgement, no editing just write stream of consciousness.

You can take a walk first, or just go outside, sit and fill that page.

Now a blank page can be intimidating and make your mind go just as blank! So, start by writing something you are seeing, hearing or feeling around you. Even if you are just describing the weather, it will get you started.

If you really run dry, she gave us the tip to write “and… and… and…” as it will usually trigger something. (It works, I tried it!)

I normally do this after my early morning walk, but you can do it any time that works in your schedule. Maybe lunchtime, or after dinner. I estimate it takes about 20 minutes.

The suggestion is once a week, but it has been so effective for me I quite often do a few times a week.

I am finding by the time I get to the bottom of the page I am feeling inspired, or have found a solution to a dilemma.

Sometimes it’s not all that earth shaking but still I feel more settled, grounded and satisfied by the time that page is full. And ready to work on my art with a clear head.

I hope you stop by next Tuesday as I continue this exploration into the creative connection and flow. Sharing insights, tips, and tricks – those that work and some that don’t. Because there is something to learn in the failures too. And what works for someone may not work for another and vice versa.

I encourage you to give Journaling in Nature a try and see what surfaces – and please let me know if it helps you!

Stay creative my friends,


CLICK HERE to sign up for my email newsletter here to stay connected.

You can find me on Instagram too!

Celebrating Mom, May and Metavivor

It’s finally May and fingers crossed - spring is here to stay! I love the bright green colors everywhere at this time of year. Such a difference from the grey palette of winter. May is like a big wake up call… more color, more outside time, more sunshine, more flowers, more gardening, more color (yes, that one is on repeat), Mother’s Day and my birthday.

Maplewood in Bloom


For the month of May I am running a special campaign and donating 10% of all my profits to METAvivor, an organization that raises funds exclusively for Metastatic Breast Cancer research. It’s near and dear to me, and research, trial studies, and new options have changed the game!

100% of the donations to METAvivor go to research grants.

 Currently 30% of all breast cancer patients will metastasize, but only 2-5% of overall research funding goes to MBC.  Metavivor is working on closing that gap.

Click here to learn more about Metavivor

If you are in search of a special gift for Mother’s Day, there is still time to take advantage of the sale on all prints in my Etsy shop click here

Use coupon code MOMSLOVE20 for a 20% discount off all Prints.

Mid Century Martinis

I will also be running specials on original work throughout the month, and you can find those on my Instagram page. Click here to follow me on Instagram. 

And, finally, I will be launching my podcast this month, Finding your Creative Flow.

I have found over the last few years that I am deeply obsessed with how to stay connected to creativity and inspiration, how to keep it flowing, and ways to integrate creativity into everyday.  I could discuss this topic till the cows come home so not to drive my family crazy I will be sharing ideas, insights and information on the podcast. I will send an email when it’s ready in case you want to listen in.

How Now Cobalt Cow


Wishing you lots of color and sunshine


Finding the surface

Thoughts on Creativity: Finding the Surface

I expected to get quick clarity after chemo ended and was getting progressively more frustrated. I started a daily art journal, contour drawings and fashion sketches to calm my frustration. The insight to do those daily practices came from a meditation and I approached all those pieces with the thought… I don’t know where this is headed but I will start where I am.

 Guess what? It’s working. Like, really working!

Art journal detail

Art Journal Detail

 It seems the clarity and direction have been happening gradually over the last 2 months. It is certainly not linear (just like healing), lots of curves, switchbacks and 2 steps forward, 3 steps back. But if I keep showing up to the daily processes it makes space for the clarity to come through.

 It feels like coming out of a long deep sleep, or anesthesia. It takes time for the fog to clear.

Like swimming in the ocean, if you get knocked off your feet by a wave you KNOW the surface is there. You know it is not far away, but you are panicked and rushed to find it (the surface, the clarity, the creative thread) and continue to flounder as you are rolled around seeing glimpses of light from the surface, and dark from the bottom.

The Ocean Waves, watercolor 5x7

Then even when you break through to the surface there is so much water in your face and eyes that you still don’t have full clarity or balance, though you are a lot closer.

You may not feel fully recovered and clear until you are on the solid ground and wiping off with your towel.

Lemon & Lime at the Beach, watercolor sketch

I am currently somewhere in the space of just breaking through from water to air… kind of half-way in between. Occasionally I am reaching for that towel!

Where are you?

Art before Errands

Art before Errands
New Year resolutions come and go. And so often come to no fruition.

My goal this year is to keep it simple and streamlined.
So I chose a 2023 word of the year: JOY
And a mantra: Art before Errands

It is too easy to get caught up in the daily doing of life, with chores, emails, groceries, driving, blah blah blah… and I have learned if I go too long without making art, I get really cranky. And then I resent the time spent on necessary chores and errands. Standing in a place of resentment is not healthy for anyone. It will eat you up inside, and my health and making healthy choices, is a prime daily goal of mine.

I have had more and more clarity in recent weeks since I am on a treatment break and realized if I made art first, the days go smoother and easier. And I am happy.  Even if it is a 15-minute contour drawing or sketching in my art journal – it makes a huge difference!

Last Wednesday the day was getting away from me for a variety of reasons.

I was feeling irritable at mid-day while setting up the crock pot for dinner and started to get sucked down the rabbit hole of annoyance. Then I remembered Art before Errands, and instead of being angry at myself I stopped and took a moment to feel what I needed.

1.Sustenance, I was very hungry so I heated up leftovers for a quick lunch.

2.Art, so I grabbed a sketchbook and did a quick contour drawing of my foot. (Start where you are – another gem to remember)

3.Fresh air – I took it outside.  Sitting outside on a very mild, sunny January day, feeling the line slowly flow onto paper effectively soothed the savage beast. 

It cleared my head, shifted my energy and focus, and put me in a much better place. 
Not bad for 15 minutes of self-care.

Sketchbook Journal painting video

Sunday Sketchbook Journal

It was very grey and murky on Sunday morning so I took our dog out early to beat the impending rain. But it was so mild and peaceful that I grabbed my coffee and sketchbook and settled in on the patio when we got back.

After so many windy days the still air felt so calming. The only movement were a handful of leaves softly floating down from the trees. The only sound was a sigh of contentment from my little dog as he curled up against my leg.

I sketched in pencil then added the ink. Feeling the beauty of the moment, and grateful for it.

This morning I added watercolor and took a big step out of my comfort zone - making a video of the painting process. Trying out my new gear that clamps to the table and holds a ring light and my phone. It was more fun than I expected! And I learned that our kitchen island is too reflective for these videos.

You can check out the video here:

Happy Fall! Thanks for visiting

You can find more of my work on my Instagram page and in my Etsy shop Erin Go Paint

Sketchbook Seven - Mother's Day Fruit Salad

For Mother’s Day my husband takes over the cooking, planning and food acquiring for the day. Huge sign of contentment… this is a true treat for me! He went above and beyond when he went in search of a fruit salad, an absolute favorite of mine.

It was barely in the kitchen and me and my daughter were all over it. It was a big one, so we happily feasted on it every morning for days.

All that juicy colorful goodness was the perfect inspiration for my sketchbook this past week.

Thanks for following along,



You can follow my art on Instagram

And find my online shop on Etsy at Erin Go Paint

Sketchbook Seven - daily vegetable smoothie

This past week’s focus for daily sketching was my morning smoothie. It is truly one of my pieces of healthy magic, but it is a bit of a project and recently I have been struggling to make one every day. They are like drinking a super mega vitamin each day, and are one of the reasons that 1.5 yrs into this treatment my blood levels are all firmly in the normal range!! One of my oncologists described my bloodwork as “exceptional” - and I would like to keep it that way.

My solution was to combine the drink making with my daily sketching. Linking 2 important practices together made it simpler to find the time to actually do both!

So I brought out the sketchbook and the magic bullet together - and got to work! I drew one of each of the 7 main ingredients each day. And I made a smoothie each day, so if I start slipping again I will bring it back to the daily sketching.

The other ingredients I include every day are matcha green tea powder, chlorella/spirulina, and a few ounces of water with a splash of orange juice.

Thanks for following along,



You can follow my art on Instagram

And find my online shop on Etsy at Erin Go Paint

Daily Sketch - Walking Mindfulness

Tried something new this past week.

I love a daily sketch practice for a variety of reasons; warm ups, honing my skills, grounding, and for the pure fun and enjoyment. But I also love a plan so I know what my approach will be and can just get to the drawing/painting. I hate agonizing over what to draw.

I LOVE my morning walks – they feel like moving meditations, but recently it has been so windy. I mean crazy windy, gusty, and cold, like mid-winter cold, that my walks have felt more of a battle than an enjoyment. 

 So, last week I sectioned out a page in my sketchbook with 7 rectangles and decided to draw one thing a day from my walk. I ended up feeling more present during the walk and noticed so many interesting and lovely things. Way more than 7! And by shifting my focus to ‘what should I draw today’ I was able to ignore the wind and the cold. 

The highlights the week of April 25, 2022:

4.25 Cheery fat cherry blossoms! So many. Always feels magical to stroll under those heavy, fluffy, fragrant blooms.

4.26 Noticing a fence by the sump down the road with a series of padlocks, which I hadn’t noticed before. It may be a far cry from the Pont des Arts in France, but that is what it brought to mind.

 4.27 Tulips in pairs, that looked like happy little couples in the cold sunshine.

 4.28 The budding of a very sculptural plant that I intend to keep an eye on - and see what it grows into.

 4.29 The beautiful patina on the cap of an underground oil tank sparkling in the sun.

 4.30 My trusty Converse sneakers – they are always ready for a stroll.


Now I am excited to work on this week’s Sketchbook Seven... my veggie smoothie.

Thanks for following along,



You can follow my art on Instagram

And find my online shop on Etsy at Erin Go Paint

Slices of Life - painting sunshine

I just deleted the original draft I wrote about this painting. This piece was created in Feb 2021, under some incredibly difficult circumstances (pandemic, virtual schooling, restricted everything, re-diagnosis of cancer, weekly infusions, mind-bending nerve pain) and revisiting all that darkness was not sitting well with me.

So, here goes round 2…

The idea for this had been on the back burner of my imagination for longer than I care to admit but when I heard about the Orange Reclaimed Art Exhibit Celebrating Hope, Optimism, and Determination organized by Good Crowd Events, it jumped to the forefront – and exploded onto my watercolor paper! I was a woman possessed to complete it in time for the submission deadline. 

I finished it. Submitted it. And it was accepted.

Digging down and focusing on creating this slice of sunshine gave me Hope and helped me to focus on Optimism. It took tremendous Determination to manage the pain, fatigue and craziness, in order to carve out time for it each day. Creating this was the highlight of those days, and I almost didn’t want to finish it because the process was pure joy.

Putting this all down in black and white makes me think it may be time to paint more Orange!

My art on the 5 o'clock News!

Maplewood, NJ March 1-31, 2022

The Windows for Women exhibit was shown throughout Maplewood’s 3 business districts for Women’s History Month. 30+ women artists showing their work in 30+ women owned business. A beautiful collaboration put together by The Maplewood Village Alliance and The Springfield Avenue Partnership.

A stunning showcase that attracted a whole lot of attention, including the NJ Secretary of State, NJ Arts Council and Fox 5 News.

I had the honor and thrill of meeting Madame Secretary, Ms Tahesha May - and being on the News!!

Video of the Fox 5 news segment

Riced Cauliflower

Ok, so I am late to this party!

Like really late - and only just tried riced cauliflower last week.

I was never a huge fan of cauliflower, but as I have been tripling my vegetable intake I knew I needed to go out of my comfort zone - and definitely get more cruciferous veggies into the kitchen.


When I spotted it riced in the frozen section I figured that was a good place to start. Nice, easy entry to test it out. Mind Blown!

I have now had it almost every day since last week. I am slightly obsessed at the moment. I especially like it sauteed with chopped garlic and scallions. It makes a savory and lovely side dish - and it is heavenly with sunny side up eggs!

Ready to break out the food processor and start ricing my own.


Follow me on instagram @ErinGoPaint to see more of my work. To read my older blog posts you can visit The Gluten Free Illustrator here.

Almond Milk magic

Some recipes seem a bit like magic! Like... pizza from cauliflower, fluffy muffins from zucchini and nut butter, and my newest weekly project - milk from almonds!

Recently I made the decision to give up dairy to decrease inflammation. But I was having trouble imaging my one morning cup of coffee without milk. I am not keen on the boxed nut milks in the grocery as they contain lots of other ingredients - most of which I don't want.

I did a little research on making my own and now once a week I soak 1/2 a cup of almonds in water overnight in the fridge. I read the longer they soak the smoother the milk so I soak them at least 12 hours. I make small batches since I am the only one drinking it, and it is mainly for my coffee.

When I am ready to blend I drain the soaking water, add fresh water, a little vanilla extract, and a small drizzle of honey. Blend for 3-4 minutes in our Nutribullet. I don't have the nut straining bags yet so I let it sit for about 10 minutes and it starts separating. Scooping out the thick part is easy once it separates a bit, leaving a creamy smooth consistency beverage.

Then I enjoy my protein rich 'milk' in coffee or my rooibos chai tea. Magical!

*Many of the recipes start with a cup of almonds and the amount of water added to blending varies wildly from recipe to recipe! I suggest checking a few recipes and be ready to experiment a little.
